
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Latest Accounting Standards in India

  •   Disclosure of accounting policies:
  •   Valuation Of Inventories:
  •   Cash Flow Statements
  •   Contingencies and events Occurring after the Balance sheet Date
  •   Net Profit or loss For the period, Prior period items and Changes in accounting Policies.
  •   Depreciation accounting.
  •   Construction Contracts.
  •   Revenue Recognition.
  •   Accounting For Fixed Assets.
  •   The Effect of Changes In Foreign Exchange Rates.
  •   Accounting For Government Grants.
  •   Accounting For Investments.
  •   Accounting For Amalgamation.
  •   Employee Benefits.
  •   Borrowing Cost.
  •   Segment Reporting.
  •   Related Party Disclosures.
  •   Accounting For Leases.
  •   Earning Per Share.
  •   Consolidated Financial Statement.
  •   Accounting For Taxes on Income.
  •   Accounting for Investment in associates in Consolidated Financial Statement.
  •   Discontinuing Operation.
  •   Interim Financial Reporting.
  •   Intangible assets.
  •   Financial Reporting on Interest in joint Ventures.
  •   Impairment Of assets.
  •   Provisions, Contingent, liabilities and Contingent assets.
  •   Financial instrument.
  •   Financial Instrument: presentation.
  •   Financial Instruments, Disclosures and Limited revision to accounting standards.

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